Dalton (GA) – People 65 and older will be the focus of the Whitfield County Drive-by Flu shot Clinic in Dalton.

The Whitfield County Health Department will offer only Fluzone High-Dose influenza vaccine for people ages 65 plus at their Drive-by Flu Shot Clinic on Tuesday, September 23rd from 8 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. at the Northwest Georgia Trade and Convention Center on Dug Gap Battle Road. Fluzone High-Dose influenza vaccine is designed to provide extra protection for people whose immune systems weaken as they age. The cost of the high-dose flu shot is $50, and cash, checks, Medicare and Medicaid plus Aetna and BlueCross BlueShield Health Insurance will be accepted.

The 4-in-1 quadrivalent flu vaccine for residents younger than 65 will be available for $25 later this month at the Whitfield County Health Department located at 800 Professional Boulevard in Dalton.

Call the Whitfield County Health Department at (706) 226-2621 for more information.