UPDATE: Effective Thursday, March 25, ALL Georgians age 16 and older will be Eligible for COVID-19 Vaccine. Register for an appointment online at gta-vras.powerappsportals.us or call 1-888-457-0186.

Georgia eligibility is now open for everyone 16 years of age and older for the COVID vaccine.

Note: Pfizer is the only COVID vaccine currently approved for children aged 16 and older.** 

**Pfizer vaccine is offered when available by some of our county health departments, but it is consistently available only at our Whitfield County COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic. Mass vaccination clinics in Georgia also have Pfizer vaccine - go to myvaccinegeorgia.com.

NEWS RELEASE from the Georgia Department of Public Health

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:                                                       

March 10, 2021                                                                       

Georgia Expands COVID Vaccine Eligibility

Beginning Monday, March 15, 2021

Atlanta – The Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH) and Governor Brian Kemp today announced the state will expand its vaccine eligibility March 15, 2021, to include adults aged 55 and older, individuals with disabilities and certain medical conditions.

Individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities are already eligible for vaccination. This expansion now includes disabilities caused by an injury (e.g., traumatic brain injury or spinal cord injury), a disability due to a longstanding condition that could cause vision loss, nerve damage or loss of a limb, or a disability due to illness such as ALS or multiple sclerosis.

The medical conditions referenced are:

Asthma (moderate to severe)                         Immunocompromised
Cancer                                                               Liver disease
Cerebrovascular disease                                Neurologic conditions
Chronic kidney disease                                   Overweight and obesity
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease      Pregnancy
Cystic Fibrosis                                                 Pulmonary fibrosis
Diabetes                                                          Sickle Cell Disease
Hypertension or high blood pressure           Thalassemia (blood disorder)
Heart conditions

To find a vaccine location near you or to schedule an appointment, log on to https://dph.georgia.gov/covid-vaccine. For individuals aged 16 and 17 who are in an eligible population for vaccination, Pfizer is the only vaccine currently approved for these ages. Please schedule an appointment at CVS or Walgreens or at one of the GEMA mass vaccination sites to ensure Pfizer vaccine is available to you.

For updates on COVID-19, follow @GaDPH and @GovKemp on Twitter and @GaDPH and @GovKemp on Facebook